Treatment of Orphans
Answer questions about Imam Husain’s treatment of orphans.
Ages 6-10
Hurr's Decision
Reflect on Hurr ibn Yazid Al Rihayi’s decision.
Ages 8-14
Husain’s mission
Answer questions about Imam Husain’s mission.
Ages 8-14
Positive Encouragement
Reflect upon Habib ibn Mudhahir and his wife’s eagerness to help Imam Husain.
Ages 6-14
A Person Like Husain
Look for words that describe Imam Husain's characteristics.
Ages 6-14
Treaty of Hasan
Research the treaty that Yazid made with Imam Hasan.
Ages 10-14
Card Sort
Arrange historical events by cutting out then sorting these cards.
Ages 6 and up
Before You Watch
Pre-movie and post-movie activity.
Ages 6-12